Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Goal for this Week

On Sunday, I mentioned that I needed prayer because of my homework situation. I have fallen behind with homework in some classes and it has been hard catching up. Well, Monday evening I got all my homework done and my test finished for the class I have been most worried about. Now, my goal this week is to get everything else caught up. I have made a To-Do list for the next few days and they are filled. We were going to try to go to the district games on Friday, but unless we start wizzing through everything, I don't see that happening. I told Matt we are going to become hermits and sit home Friday night and get this stuff done. Add in tonight and some of tomorrow night, and hopefully we will be caught up enough that I am satisfied. We have the volleyball tournament on Saturday, and I don't want to be doing homework in between games. So, on Sunday, hopefully I will be able to say "I am good!" (and not stressed)

3-2-1 Blast Off!


Fabulous at being Katy Jane said...

Are you getting your goals finished? I sure do hope so!

Laurie said...

So, Miss Smiley, how's the to-do list coming?