Friday, April 27, 2007


I know I post alot about my school and classes. Even though this post is about school, it is something a little different. In just two and a half weeks I will be a senior in college. I will be entering my last year of classes and this time next May I will be gearing up to accept my diploma from SEMO. Wow... All of this hard work, headaches, and gripping. I am finally about to make it. So excited. Very excited.

I am very glad it is Friday. This week has been tough, really really tough. I have been trying to catch up on assignments and stay caught up. You know, that is a very hard task. For everyone out there who is in school- Don't Get Behind on Homework! Don't be a Procrastinator! If you do it when it is assigned, you will be much better off in the long run. I promise. I am speaking from very very much experience.

I hope some of you enjoyed my 90's thing. I have a couple more about being from Missouri and from a small town. They are really really funny because it is all so true.

Have a good weekend! I will be working on homework and helping with the softball tournament tomorrow! Hopefully it won't rain too much.

3-2-1 Blast Off!

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